HSB Riksförbund
Fleminggatan 41
SE – 10420 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
tel: (+) 46 87 853 000 (switchboard)
Email: info@hsb.se
HSB is a cooperative housing association focusing on lower production costs and perform high housing quality standard; and on a good enduring environment and climate-smart energy consumption and usage in order to become the most respected actor in housing.
The main activities are administrative, economic and technical management and managing construction of new buildings and reconstruction of old dwellings.
It is also taking an active part in international cooperation through its membership in ICA, Cecodhas and NBO. In cooperation with the Swedish Co-operative Centre, it participates in housing projects in developing countries such as for example South Africa and Vietnam.
Founding year: 1923
Members: 32 regional coop associations (which in turn have 3,892 cooperative local housing societies as members)
HSB-cooperative housing stock: 317.460
HSB rental housing stock: 27.394
Other managed housing stock: 34.344