Poljanska cesta 31
P.P. 2044 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
+386 (1) 4710 500
The Housing Fund of the Republic of Slovenia has recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. It was established to create the best conditions to secure enough quality housing, facilitating housing access, especially for the young and young families.
The Fund, serving the interest of the state, covers the territory of the whole state and in accordance with its business policy finances and implements the national housing programme, promotes house building, renewal and maintenance of flats as well as residential buildings.
In 2012 the first Business Policy of the Fund was adopted for the period from 2012 to 2016, with which, in the absence of a national housing policy for the operation of the Fund, key goals, purposes and projects of the Fund for the subject period were defined. The Fund achieved and, in some part, exceeded the set goals. A Resolution on the National Housing Programme for the period from 2015 to 2025 (also ReNSP15-25) adopted in 2015, defined Housing Fund as the main state authority for the implementation of the national housing policy.
The Fund should, as the main carrier of the implementation of ReNSP15-25, in pursuit of the goals, cooperate with the public policy implementing authorities in other areas of operation of the state, which will also be monitored by a system, set up in the future, intended to monitor the implementation of ReNSP15-25. The implementation of planned projects and measures will be gradual, whereby the preparatory activities for the establishment of conditions for the successful achievement of set goals will be carried out first, and where a prompt change of required legislation and public policies is of key importance.
It is authorised to:
- give long-term loans with favourable interest rate to material persons and legal entities for the acquisition of non-profit rental housing
- give long-term loans with a favourable interest rate to material persons and legal entities for the acquisition of their own apartments and residential buildings through purchase, construction, or for maintenance and reconstruction of apartments and residential buildings
- invest in apartment construction and building land
- provide aid in the payment of loans
- does real estate business with the purpose of ensuring public interest
- ensures financial motivation for long-term housing savings, especially in the form of premiums for savings of material persons
- encourages various forms of ensuring owned and rented apartments: with rent purchase of apartments and renting them out, with the sales of apartments in form of leasing, with co-investments with public or private investors, and similar
- carries out other legal tasks and tasks for the implementation of the national housing programme.
The Fund has established a professional and project-based cooperation with the public and private sectors and, with its operation in various areas, contributes to the achieving of goals, set in developmental, spatial and social development programmes of the state, as well as the regulation of conditions in the housing area and the improvement of legislation in the field of its operation. The Housing Fund also engages in developmental projects. Current activities of the Fund are best represented by two larger real estate projects, finished construction of residential neighbourhoods Brdo 1 – neighbourhood Zeleni Gaj at Brdo in Ljubljana (Green Grove Ljubljana), as well as development of rental apartment neighbourhood Novo Brdo in Ljubljana, where requirements for various forms of residence for target groups of population are the most urgent.
The Housing Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, Public Fund successfully manages over 3,432 of its own rental apartments for the needs of non-profit and affordable rental throughout Slovenia, as well as an additional 304 apartments of operators in free use for the requirements of the non-profit rental.
Total number of constructed dwellings; rental dwellings, owner-occupied dwellings: 6.200
Total number of staff members: 36