IWO is an NGO founded in 2001 to help develop market-oriented structures in the housing sector and the building industry in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, to foster sustainable urban development in the project regions and to improve living and housing conditions in the project regions.

IWO forms – with its members and partners – a European network of expertise, fosters partnerships and cooperation of stakeholders in Germany and abroad, that is, private and public companies and organisations as well as committed individuals and experts and follows a holistic, systemic approach in cooperation and projects initiated and developed by IWO, coordinating transfer of know-how and experiences in the fields of business economics, technology, energy and finance for sustainable and tailored project results.

Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe’s major targets are:

  • Initiating and participating in the development and implementation of replicable models and pilot projects in housing, building and sustainable urban development in Eastern Europe

  • Participating in the conception and preparation of housing projects and programmes based on pilot projects, targeting a broad and sustainable development of the housing economy in Eastern Europe, especially concerning energy savings and reducing carbon emissions

  • Assisting institution-building and legislation processes aiming at market-oriented structures

  • Advanced training and education programmes within the housing and building sector.