By combining 3 levels with gamified features supporting peer-to-peer behavioural-based incentives, the NRG2peers platform targets global energy and CO2 emission savings at community level, and investment in sustainable energy in the EU.
The project is a step towards a reliable, affordable, sustainable and competitive energy system that helps residents reduce their dependence on fossil fuels in a context of growing scarcity of resources, increasing energy needs and a climate challenge. NRG2peers started officially this September and will have a mission to develop a platform with three goals in mind – to collect experiences from operative peer-to-peer energy communities in Europe; to provide smart demand–response mechanisms to optimise energy consumption and peak demand at the community level and to adopt community-based nudging mechanisms for peer-to-peer transactions of renewable energy and to sustain prosumer-friendly business models.
Housing Europe’s key role in the project will be to host a Competence Centre through which it will gather and share the expertise among the different stakeholder groups. The instrumentation developed in NRG2peers will allow housing companies and their residents to work more effectively on the creation and exploitation of local energy communities considering the different levels of maturity. Institut Valencià de l’Edificació – part of the network of our member, the Spanish Association of Public Housing and Land Managers (AVS) – will provide valuable technical knowledge and NRG2peers will run until the end of August 2023.
Get to know more & follow the #NRG2peers hashtag on social media.