We’re back with yet another episode of our series around the housing aspect of the Coronavirus Crisis, in which we are addressing a number of questions that are probably in your mind as well, with one special guest each time. Today, we’re making the link with the European Commission flagship initiative, the EU Green Deal and the so called ‘Renovation Wave’ that is envisaged to improve the condition of Europe’s building stock. Ciaran Cuffe is an Irish Member of the European Parliament with the Greens and is currently busy being the Rapporteur of the much-expect report “Maximising the energy efficiency potential of the EU building stock”. This is supposed to set out the view of the Parliament on most aspects of energy efficiency in buildings, while also making concrete suggestions for the content of the Renovation Wave.

We asked Ciaran to have a Skype Call to discuss the new COVID19 reality that is taking shape will influence the priorities and objectives of the EU Green Deal. What needs to be changed in the way we approach energy efficiency in our buildings? We have also asked Ciaran how this Report aims to address the different segments of the housing market and we concluded our conversation wondering whether the EU Green Deal and the ‘Renovation Wave’ become the EU’s 2020 Marshall Plan. Stay with us to find all the answers.

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