Peer-to-peer energy transaction, learning from experiences to develop readiness level framework, boost smart demand and optimisation of energy consumption and peak demand at community level, providing information to consumers through an advisory app, guiding municipalities and small groups – this has been the core work of one of Housing Europe’s EU-funded projects NRG2Peers. Nearing the project’s end, on October 25, we gathered with similar initiatives in Brussels to learn from one another.

At an EU level, practitioners called for a development of clear business models, funding and financial support to establish programmes that are specifically targeting energy community development, to increase knowledge of secure return on investment, and launch educational campaigns. When it comes to the national framework, a comprehensive regulatory lanscape was always ranking first in the list of demands, followed by a call not to transpose laws word by word, the need for financial support and help with navigating complexities. 

In the afternoon, we headed to Brussels’ very first energy community in social housing, Sun Sud. Foyer du Sud, the social housing provider which owns the accommodation, produces energy on the roof of the building using solar panels it has installed. It is giving its residents the opportunity to benefit from this energy, which is cleaner and cheaper than the market price.  This project is set up and monitored by the “SunSud Committee”, which represents the residents of the building who are involved in sharing the solar electricity produced by the panels. The Committee liaises with Foyer du Sud to ensure that the SunSud project is truly a cooperative effort. A short video interview is in the making to give you a better idea of the project.

Visit the official website of NRG2Peers –