Housing Europe highlighted in its recent report that recovery plans adopted by the Member States will potentially support housing renovation with more than 47 billion and other social housing and Housing First projects with more than 5.5 billion. It is now the turn of Member States together with regional and local authorities and key players, including housing providers, to turn this promise into a reality.
Among the many question marks on whether this is feasible is the tight timeline imposed by the Recovery Plans framework, this is why we are particularly keen on learning more about the use of funding for concrete projects on the ground. Get in touch with our Policy Officer, Edit Lakatos to discuss national or regional developments.
One example from Italy is the recently approved plan for the city of Bologna, which will dedicate 30 million euros from the Italian Recovery Plan (PNRR) to the requalification of two public housing buildings. Concretely, this will mean carrying out energy and seismic renovation of 136 social housing units by March 2026 in an area with significant historical and architectural value for the city. The planning and implementation will be carried out by the local public housing company ACER.
This example is the result of cooperation between the housing company, the municipality, and the Region Emilia Romagna. The latter is making available altogether 124 million euros of PNRR funding to its municipalities for social housing renovation, in the framework of an ambitious regional ‘housing pact’.
“Most important, funding from the Recovery Plan will allow our tenants to save significantly on their energy bills thanks to the refurbishment we’ll carry out,” the president of ACER Bologna Alessandro Alberani pointed out.
For more details, read in Italian the news from the municipality of Bologna and about the Emilia-Romagna Region Housing Plan.