The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has convened a group of key organisations in order to respond to the evolving and significant challenges which the social housing sector is experiencing as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Following conversations with the Scottish Government and the Scottish Housing Regulator, SFHA set up the Social Housing Resilience Group.

The group comprises:

  • SFHA 
  • Scottish Government 
  • NHS Health Scotland
  • Scottish Housing Regulator 
  • Wheatley Group 
  • Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF).  
  • Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland 
  • Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO) 

 The group convenes for a daily conference call.  Its objectives are as follows: 

  • real-time strategic planning and prioritising   
  • identifying high-level issues, making decisions and taking action  
  • providing an early warning system for problems  
  • gathering information and identifying necessary guidance and advice  

Sally Thomas, SFHA Chief Executive, said: 

“The social housing sector has a critical role to play in responding to the coronavirus outbreak. Social landlords provide housing and services that are vital for people’s health, wellbeing, and safety and this must be able to continue. 

“The Social Housing Resilience Group will allow us to respond to the outbreak as it develops and ensure that we can work together to minimise the impact on the most vulnerable people in our communities as well as on social landlords.” 

Furthermore, SFHA has produced briefing notes to help our members through the COVID-19 crisis. So far, the briefings available cover:

  • Service delivery
  • Health and safety
  • Practical governance advice
  • Care and support

The page is constantly updated, you may access it here.