25 Oct 21 Workshop Save the date A Citizen-led Renovation Wave 16:00 - 17:30 CET | Housing Europe joints forces with fellow organisations at #EUSEW2021 Accelerating home renovations in Europe, and the targets laid out by the European Green Deal, will not succeed without adequately involving and supporting the 195 million households that live in those homes. This means empowering citizens to take action, provide adequate support, and strive for renovations that result in comfortable, healthy, safe, and affordable homes. This session showcases how citizens across Europe – both tenants and homeowners – are already participating in renovation projects and highlights what can be done at the European and Member State level to support this growing citizen-led renovation movement. This will be followed by a discussion with the speakers and the audience on how to ensure that the Renovation Wave delivers healthy, safe, affordable, and energy efficient homes for all. The session brings together contributions from social, public, and cooperative housing providers, regional actors, consumer and tenants perspectives, and energy communities.
11 Oct 21 Workshop Save the date Housing Solutions Platform Debate on the Collective Housing Transformation 11 October, 14:00 – 16:00 CEST Systematised emergency accommodation is a reactive, disorganised and segmented response to homelessness. As the main response to homelessness, generalised and institutionalised, it is an ineffective, inefficient and unsafe solution. Indeed, solving homelessness requires long-term affordable housing, sometimes integrated with support services. Where is long-term affordable housing going to come from? How can it be made available quickly and at-scale whilst ensuring adequacy?
5 Jul 21 Workshop Save the date Social Housing & Rapid Digitalisation: Working Together (and Apart) EBZ/EFL Summer School for Young & Early Career Professionals | 05–12 July 2021, Online Social & affordable housing providers around Europe are dealing with rapidly changing conditions. Specifically, in the COVID-19 crisis, the digitalisation of many of their organisational functions & services has sped up. Housing Europe as one of the co-organisers has planned this programme & hoped that our patterns of living will soon normalise, the year 2021 has many of us asking if higher levels of remote working and digital service provision are becoming the new normal.
22 Jun 21 Workshop Save the date Big data approaches for building policy and and management 1st MATRYCS Stakeholder Workshop | 22nd June 2021 | 9:30-11:00 CET Building sector accounts a significant percentage of total global energy-related CO2 emissions. Energy is consumed at different buildings’ lifecycle and can be analysed from different perspectives or scales. That means that competitive solutions should be found in the building sector to revolutionise energy efficiency and management in buildings.
9 Jun 21 Workshop Save the date Boosting Energy Communities in the EU Online event – 9th June 2021; 10:00-11:30 (CEST) Housing Europe and The International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) invite you to join the first webinar of a series of three looking at the challenges and opportunities that exist in the EU to develop energy communities, in the scope of the Horizon2020 ‘NRG2peers‘ project on June 9th, 10h GMT+1.
28 Apr 21 Workshop Save the date The New European Bauhaus- Request for an exchange with public, social & cooperative housing providers Members webinar | 11:00-12:30 CET To help shape the New European Bauhaus during its formulation phase, the responsible cabinet from the European Commission has requested to have a structured conversation with Housing Europe members on 28th April (Wednesday) at 11:00-12:30 CET. Your contribution is essential to shape the New European Bauhaus by sharing best practices and raising challenges and concerns from our sector.
12 Mar 21 Workshop Save the date Challenging Times for Associations - Navigating the global pandemic Public, social, and cooperative housing providers have been facing many challenges since the start of the pandemic almost a year ago.
15 Feb 21 Workshop Save the date TripleA-Reno Workshop/Boardgame Working with tenants to plan renovation 15th February 2021 - 14:30 | Online Workshop Energy Transition Game: Find out how to make an existing home energy efficient, gas-free or energy neutral! Choose the right measures and learn about smart concepts to complete various scenarios. Answer insight questions to make your vision more concrete! The game is excellent for training, information and education purposes.
29 Oct 20 Workshop Save the date Developing Positive Energy Districts in Europe: National Strengths and Weaknesses 29th October 2020 | Zoom Webinar | 14.30 - 15:40 CEST The objective of this Members’ webinar is to identify opportunities and bottlenecks to the implementation of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) / Zero Energy Districts (ZEDs) in existing legislation and policy across Europe. Could PEDs/ZEDs be developed in your country for more affordable and liveable neighbourhoods?
30 Jun 20 Workshop Save the date Implementing the Right to Housing | 30th June 2020 The role of the EU from the perspective of cities and public and non-for-profit housing providers Together with the Socialist & Democrat group, co-hosted by MEP Estrella Dura, Housing Europe took the chance to stress the role of our social, housing and affordable housing providers and the European Parliament in implementing the right to housing in its ever-present urgency.
29 Jun 20 Workshop Save the date European Summer School for Early-Career Professionals 2020 What does the “climate crisis” mean for our housing stock? How can we build sustainable housing that supports the transition to a circular economy? What are the implications for affordability and for our tenants? These and many other questions had to be discussed in our 2020 edition of the European Summer School. Unfortunately, the pandemic stood on our way. Housing Europe will aim at organising this summer camp in 2021. Watch this space for more updates.
22 Jun 20 Workshop Save the date Homelessness and Housing Exclusion | Housing Exchanges A Housing Europe Members' Webinar | 22nd June 2020 The impact of the current crisis on housing exclusion and homelessness: What are the challenges at hand and which solutions can be put forward from social, cooperative and public housing providers? A Housing Europe MEMBERS webinar to discuss how the public, cooperative and social housing sectors can deal with the increasing social challenges and the risk of housing exclusion linked to the Covid-19 crisis. Which measures can be put in place to cope with its aftermath?
8 Jun 20 Workshop Save the date The EU green recovery and the contribution of the public, cooperative and social housing sector. A Housing Europe Members' Webinar A Housing Europe Members' webinar to discuss how can the public, cooperative and social housing sector keep the renovation commitments set in the EU Green Deal on track in the post-COVID scenario and how wan the EU Recovery Plan help in achieving these climate and socio-economic objectives.
20 May 20 Workshop Save the date Access and Availability of Land for Housing Provision #Housing2030 Workshop 20 May 2020, Wednesday, 14:30-17:20 CET | This online workshop is organized within the initiative “#Housing2030 - Improving Housing Affordability in the UNECE region” implemented by Housing Europe, UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and LandManagement and UN-Habitat
5 Mar 20 Workshop Save the date From Objectives to Action – Turning EU Social & Environmental Policy into positive change for citizens A joint workshop with the European Investment Bank Venue: European Investment Bank (EIB) Brussels Office, Rond-point Robert Schuman 6, 1040 Bruxelles