Representing thousands of individuals across social housing, Danish non-profit housing association DAB helps to bring together communities and develop tenant democracy by listening to their residents and celebrating common interests.
Denmark’s social housing has been given as an example for tenant democracy – tenants’ right to make decisions about the social housing they live in – for a while. In the 1970s, this concept became a part of the national law concerning affordable housing that all housing estates should elect boards and the tenants elected for it should have a responsibility to carry out the decisions taken during the meetings.
It has now been over 50 years since Danish social housing has been showing the way in supporting community building and ensuring that all voices are being heard.
Whether it’s teaching beekeeping through the generations or sharing sewing expertise across languages, the tenants of DAB for example are in control of their living spaces and their community relationships. We believe this could be a true example of EU’s New European Bauhaus slogan and mission, ‘beautiful, sustainable, together’.
Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, this exploratory #BuildingCommunities video series uncovers the powerful stories of innovation and community in the social, cooperative, public and community-led housing sector.
Find out more about the series and the other stories.