Housing Europe’s portfolio of energy projects is a resource for the social cooperative and public housing providers in the work towards a socially just energy transition rooted in technical and social innovation. This is a work strand of the housing evolutions initiative. As it expands we have created a new internship position to support and learn from the work carried out within the projects and the process of sharing relevant outcomes with the Housing Europe network.

The person will be based at the Housing Europe Head Quarters in Brussels, Belgium as part of a small international team.


  • Academic or professional experience in fields such as housing, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, urban development.
  • Experience in EU project reporting (priority), involvement in dissemination of project results, i.e. turning technical issues into more attractive and simplified products (articles, social media posts etc),
  • Good writing skills and a working knowledge of social media.
  • Additionally, English and French would be necessary, while other languages (e.g. Spanish, Italian) will be an asset.


Apply by October 15th by:

  • sending your (no longer than 2-page) CV
  • a cover letter of max. 300 words

to michalis.goudis@housingeurope.eu