Housing Europe welcomed three new Partners in its family during its General Assembly on June 7th in Lyon.

UrbaMonde, Community Land Trust Brussels and Organisme de Foncier Solidaire de la Métropole Lilloise (OFSML) joined us as Partners building upon our commitment to work closely with stakeholders who deliver change on the ground developing community-based solutions.

UrbaMonde’s mission is to support and empower groups of inhabitants engaged in transforming their neighbourhoods to make them more sustainable and inclusive, and in collaborating with local governments.

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Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB) wants to produce housing and neighborhood facilities that fulfill the needs of all Brussels residents, but gives priority to those with the least opportunities. By making the ownership of land collective and the housing individual, it wants to give local communities more control over their neighborhood. The CLTB will hold the place until the European CLT network is established.

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Organisme de Foncier Solidaire de la Métropole Lilloise was founded with the aim to provide access to decent and permanently affordable homes, to make better use of public grants and to slow down land speculation.

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