Thank you all for your active participation at the Working Committee meetings. There are quite a few points that require follow up, while most of you have asked for access to the presentations held. We invite you to open the link below to read a summary of the main points, including also the ones that require your input.
Working Committee on Energy, Construction and Standardization
- Housing Europe secretariat and its members will assess the Long Term Renovation Strategies for the decarbonisation of the building stock (article 2 EPBD – see further information here). Members are kindly asked to give their feedback via e-mail to Julien on their country’s renovation strategy by April 14th. The European Commission will publish its own assessment in June.
- The European Commission is also consulting on the “renovation wave” initiative that will be published on October 15th. Members are kind asked to send their written inputs on the Housing Evolutions Hub’ dedicated forum. Please send your input by March 29th.
- As part of the Houseful project, we are looking for examples of circular building projects (either past, ongoing or planned). These should have a high level of circularity and sustainability in terms of building materials, waste management and energy production. Please feel free to share them on the respective Housing Evolutions Hub forum.
Working Committee on Social Affairs
- Housing Europe will repsond to the consultation launched by the European Commission on how to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights in particular principle 19 which says that “social housing and good quality housing assistance shall be provided for those in need”. We would appreciate your feedback on how the EU can facilate this objective by April 14th.
Housing Europe Observatory
- please fill out our online questionnaire on access to affordable housing, if you have not done so already
- you can send your comments on the discussion related to housing affordability and housing expenditure indicators to
Working Committee on Economics, Finance and Internal Market
- Please send your feedback on the EC’ s country reports (see Dara’s note here) by April 14th. We will then compile them and adress it to the European Commission ahead of the publication of the Country-Specific Recommendations.
- For your information, please find at the bottom of the page a concept note for the study on SGEI that Housing Europe plans to carry out as a response to the EC review on state aids for SGEI. If you are interested to financially support it and therefore be part of the Steering Committee for the study, please let us know by March 20th.
Working Commitee on Urban Affairs
- For your information, you will find attached the draft of the revised Leipzig Charter on urban development. If you want to send your comments, please do it by April 14th.
- As part of our Syn.ikia project, we are looking for examples of positive energy districts where social, cooperative and public housing have an essential role. Please share your good practices with our collague, Clara.
To all working comittees
- Please send your written comment on the draft strategic workplan by April 14th to
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